The main goal of the company is the development and production of effective, high-quality, safe and competitive medicines.
The quality of our products today is the guarantee of your future tomorrow!
The quality of our medicines is ensured by the highest level of professional training of our personnel and continuous quality control at all stages of the manufacturing process. Deep understanding of customer requirements and needs is the basis for choosing the right strategy of our company, which is directed towards a constant increase in satisfaction of our customers and employees as well as society as a whole.
The organizing basis of all our activities is a documented system of quality management that meets the international requirements of GMP guidelines and quality control of pharmaceuticals.

Our commitments toward quality are the following:
- Timely assessment of the status and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the Pharmaceutical Quality System.
- Continuous analysis of customer needs and timely management of customer dissatisfaction (complaints, claims, etc.).
- Timely detection and prevention of any inconsistencies that may affect quality, as well as taking corrective and preventive actions following analysis of their effectiveness.
- Development of new advanced environmentally friendly technologies and improvement of the existing technologies using automated information and automatic control systems.
- Responsible choice and a continuous monitoring of the manufacturing cycle processes and raw material suppliers.
- Compliance with laws and regulations guiding the development, registration, manufacturing and circulation of medicines, as well as the requirements of international conventions, protocols and provisions of all contractual obligations.
- Continuous training of personnel, improving their professional skills, special knowledge, practical experience and involvement in the course of company activities.
The management of PharmaEstica Manufacturing OÜ takes responsibility for the entire complex of obligations to implement the Policy of Quality in all areas of company activities.