
Meie ettevõtte portfelli väljatöötamisel lähtuti kihisevate tablettide tehnoloogia nõuetest, arvestades tootmistsükli tegelikke võimalusi ja farmaatsiaseadmete uusimaid uuendusi.

Portfelli kuuluvad kaasaegsed ravimvormid, näiteks kihisevad tabletid ja suus imenduvad (dispergeeruvad) tabletid, mida toodetakse eritingimustel, samuti närimistabletid ja muud tahked ravimvormid.

Meie praegune ravimiportfell sisaldab geneerilisi käsimüügiravimeid.

PharmaEstica Manufacturing OÜ toodab ka omamärgitooteid (private label) ja teostab muid lepingulisi tootmisprojekte.

Meie võimalused lubavad toota laia valikut toidulisandeid ja muid eritooteid. Toidulisandite portfellis on mitmeid multivitamiinide ja mineraalide kombinatsioone täiskasvanutele, lastele ja sportlastele, sealhulgas taimset ekstrakti sisaldavaid tooteid. Toidulisandeid võib toota ka närimiskummide kujul.

Ravimi nimetusToimeaine(d) ja tugevusRavimvorm ja pakendi suurusNäidustusedRavimi tüüpRegistreeritudAllhanketootmine
UpstinonAtsetüülsalitsüülhape 324 mgKihisevad tabletid stripValu. Palavik.KEE
Asprovit+СAtsetüülsalitsüülhape 400 mg, Askorbiinhape 300 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; stripNõrk valu. Palavik.KEE
Asprovit СAtsetüülsalitsüülhape 400 mg, Askorbiinhape 300 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; stripNõrk valu. Palavik.KRU
AsprovitAtsetüülsalitsüülhape 500 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; stripNõrk valu. Palavik. Reumaatilised haigused.KEE
Mucovit 600Atsetüültsüsteiin 600 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; stripRöga lahtistamine.KEEAZ, GE, KZ, KG, MD, VN, TM, UZ, UA, RU- protsessis
Mucovit 200Atsetüültsüsteiin 200 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; stripRöga lahtistamine.KEEAZ, GE, KZ, KG, MD, VN, TM, UZ, UA, RU- protsessis
PadevixDekstrometorfaan 7,5 mg, Paratsetamool 300 mgKihisevad tabletid tuub; strip; blisterSamaaegne palaviku alandamine, nõrga valu leevendamine ja köha sümptomaatiline ravi.KEE
Toote nimiKoostisToote vormNäidustus
PolliVitalMultivitamiinid rutiinigaSuus dispergeeruvad tabletidMultivitamiinid ja bioflavonoid rutiin rikastavad igapäevast toidusedelit.
OxiVitalVitamiin E – 10 mg a-TE, Vitamiin C – 50 mg, Vitamiin A – 450 μg-RE, Seleen 20 μgSuus dispergeeruvad tabletid

Aitab kaitsta rakke oksüdatiivse stressi eest ning aitab kaasa immuunsüsteemi tugevdamisele.
ResveratrolResveratrol 20 ja 40 mgSuus dispergeeruvad tabletid

Tugevdav ühend.
PexVitalMultivitamiinidKihisevad tabletidVitamiinide lisaallikas.
SportActiveVitamiinid, mineraalidKihisevad tabletid
Aktiivse eluviisiga inimestele ja sportlastele intensiivse kehalise koormuse ajal.
Vitamin C100mg
Kihisevad tabletid
Vitamiin C lisaallikas
Vitamin D3600 IUSuus dispergeeruvad tabletid
Vitamiin D3 lisaallikas

Seadmed ja tehnoloogiad

Ettevõte toodab valmisravimeid ja toidulisandeid järgmistes vormides: kihisevad tabletid, katmata tabletid, imemistabletid, suus dispergeeruvad tabletid, toimeainet pikendatult (prolongeeritult) vabastavad tabletid, närimistabletid ja muud tahked ravimvormid.

Tablettide valmistamise tehnoloogilised protsessid toimuvad ruumides puhtusastmega D, kus temperatuuri ja niiskuse parameetritele on sätestatud spetsiaalsed eritingimused, et tagada ravimite nõutav kvaliteet.

Tablettide peamine tootmismeetod on pulbrilise segu või mikrograanulite otsepressimine. Mikrograanulid on toodetud granulaatoris Herbert Hüttlin Ventilus V200.

Granulaatori Herbert Hüttlin Ventilus V200 tehnoloogia põhineb keevkihi granuleerimismeetodil, millega on võimalik saavutada soovitud omadustega graanuleid ning katta toimeaine osakesi. Nimetatud tootmistehnoloogiat saab  kasutada näiteks toimeainet pikendatult vabastavate tablettide valmistamisel.

Tableteerimiseks rakendatakse tabletipresse KILIAN S250 SMART ja FETTE 1200, kus kasutatakse magneesiumstearaadi kuivpihustamist tableti kokkupressimispiirkonda. See tehnoloogia tagab stabiilsed pressimisparameetrid ning samas aitab vähendada vajadust lisada tablettide koostisesse abiainena lubrikante.

Seadmete erinevad eemaldatavad osad võimaldavad valmistada ja pakendada eri suuruse ja konfiguratsiooniga tablette.

Tablettide tootmisel ja pakendamisel saab samaaegselt töötada kolm tootmisliini.

Paralleelselt tableteerimisega toimub tablettide automaatne pakendamine ribapakendisse pakkeliinil Marchesini MST 300. Ribapakendid liiguvad konveieril pakkeliinile Marchesini MA 100, mis mahutab need kartongkarpidesse.

Tabletid pakendab tuubidesse ja sulgeb korgiga pakkeliin Gordic F60 ning see toimub samaaegselt tableteerimisega tabletipressil.

Pakkeliinil Heino Ilsemann BMP-250R on võimalik pakendada tabletid fooliumblistrisse (Alu/Alu) või blisterpakendisse Alu/PVC, Alu/PVDC.  Blistritesse pakendamise liin on konveieri abil ühendatud pakkeliiniga Heino Ilsemann CMP-200, mis mahutab blistrid karpidesse.


Tehniline informatsioon:

The Servolift Lifter mixing system including BIN blender (or IBC , an intermediate container) is the best way to process, mix and transport any powdered product of less than 4000 liters. The mixing process is very simple: the products are mainly ground and mixed by continuous rotation until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

The technical solutions of the Innojet VENTILUS 200 granulator are designed to enable the processes of granulation, coating and drying of microparticles and are based on fluid bed technology with given radial and tangential flow of process air that leads to a spiral flow direction of the product.


Max. batch size (kg, at 1g/cm3) 200
Min. batch size (kg, at 1g/cm3) 120
Product container inside ø = booster ø (mm) 800
Air quantity (m3/h) 3,200
Spray air quantity (Nm3/h at 3.0 bar spray pressure) 250
Particle size min. (μm) 10
Particle size max. (mm) 2
Materials (product-contacted) Stainless steel AISI 316l Borosilicate glass
Filter media, plastic and seals FDA certified
Pressure shock resistance (bar) 10

The S250 Rotary Tablet Press SMART Romaco Kilian is designed in accordance with the basic requirements of the pharmaceutical industry and is suitable for pressing of any powdered tablet mixture.

Specifications of S 250 SMART

No. of punches 44 40 32 26
Tool type* (EU and TSM) B B B D
Die type BBS BB B D
Max. tablet diameter (mm) 11 13 16 25
Max. output (tablets/hour) 300.000 270.000 220.000 156.000

The manufacturing facilities of PLC PharmaEstica Manufacturing are equipped with the Kilian S 250 SMART tablet presses with the number of punches 26 and 40. If necessary, the tablet presses can be completed with format parts of 32 and 44 punch models.

The rotary tablet press Fette P 1200 is a productive single-flow tablet press for laboratory and pilot purposes. Fette P 1200 is a modular system that allows for quick change-over of the equipment when changing the format parts. The equipment includes an integrated lifting device for rapid change of the rotor with a mechanical fastening system, which allows the equipment to be positioned as a universal and reconfigurable construction.

The manufacturing facilities of PLC PharmaEstica Manufacturing are equipped with the tablet press Fette P 1200 with 20 stations. If necessary, the tablet press can be supplemented with additional rotors with format parts.


Number of Stations 32 30 24 20 20
Punch typ EU19 EU19 (IPT19) EU19 (IPT19) EU1“ (IPT1“) EU 1“-441
Tablet output per/h min 48.000 45.000 36.000 30.000 30.000
Tablet output per/h max 230.400 216.000 172.800 120.000 120.000
Max compr. force kN 80 80 80 80 80
Max. tablet dia. mm 11 13 16 25 25

GORDIC F-60 is a compact and flexible machine, which serves for the packaging of cylindrical tablets into plastic tubes. It is equipped with the SIEMENS S7 liquid crystal monitor, which displays operating instructions, error messages, the speed of packaging in tubes, etc. The machine is fully automated and protected from the external influences in accordance with the EU standards.


Tube length: 55-180
Tube Diameter: 19-35
Tube material: Plastic or Aluminium
Tablet diameter: 16-30
Tablet thickness: 3-10
Capacity: Nominal up to 60 tubes a minute or 60000 tablets an hour, depending on the number of tablets per tube.

An automatic machine for packaging of solid dosage forms in strips , is universal, compact, easy to disassemble into individual units and to maintain.

The work surfaces are made of stainless steel AISI 304S, with the structural elements made of nickel-plated steel and anodised aluminum.

The configuration complies with GMP standards.

The engine and the technical area of ​​the machine are separated from the functional modules.

All parts in contact with the product are made of a material approved by the FDA.

The versatility of the machine allows packaging of tablets, effervescent tablets, capsules and coated tablets using a heat-seal film.


Name Description Speed


Foils Reels with face and back images of strips Up to 150 RPM

(x5 strips

60×120 mm)

Product Tablets
Ink Cartridges for printing data onto back side of strips.

The Marchesini MA 100 horizontal cartoner machine is made with modules that allow the implementation of three basic concepts: versatility, ergonomics and maximum efficiency in a small area.

All modules are made in full compliance with GMP rules.

Fully transparent fences provide maximal visual control of the entire process.

A remote panel of process control is provided.


Name Description Speed


Carton Reverse tuck Up to 90 CPM
Product Tubes

Tablet strips

Leaflet Sheet feed

Ilsemann BMP 250 is a blister machine for thermoforming and cold forming. It has an ergonomic feed zone and is designed for automatic or manual feeding.

A continuous horizontal product flow after filling allows packaging of a variety of products with different size and shape.


Sealing principle rotary sealing
Forming material width 270
Usable punching area 258 x 160
forming area (index x width), max. 220 x 258 mm

optional for Alu / Alu 258 x 255 mm

Drawing depth 12/20
Forming cycles max. 75
Output max. 600

The machine is designed for a wide range of packaging formats of any kind of pharmaceutical products, with or without a leaflet.

The machine provides flexible, reliable and economical automation of the packaging process.

Due to the horizontal flow, Ilsemann CMP-200R is ideal for packaging of any kind of pharmaceutical products.

The productivity of the machine is about 150 packages per minute.